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What is the most effective AI marketing tool?

AI marketing tools are changing the game in digital marketing, which goes without saying, but we'll say it again for those in the back.

The increasing rivalry for customers' attention in an age of too many options necessitates every advantage to optimize for reach, engagement, and conversion.

Marketers all around the world are attempting to improve their marketing operations and efficacy by exploiting the quantity of data at their disposal, and many are turning to artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies and platforms.

Have you ever considered how helpful these tools are as a marketer?

What about from the standpoint of a customer? AI, believe it or not, is already at work in your life in a variety of ways.

Because it was at the top of your suggestions list, you started (and binge-watched) a new Netflix show.

The time you saved by not being stuck in traffic because Google Maps redirected you.

The delights arrive in Prime boxes at your front door because Amazon knows exactly what you need and when you need them.

All of this is possible because of artificial intelligence (AI) devices that have made our lives so much easier and more efficient.

Marketers will be at the vanguard of adapting to these changes as they go forward in creating the future of the advertising business as a whole, with the artificial intelligence platform market expected to be worth billions by 2022.

According to Forbes, 1.82 billion people will use a chat app in 2019, and customers will manage 85 percent of their relationship with a company without engaging with a human by 2020.

Even if we don't realize it, tech companies are already using data analytics-based machine learning and predictive AI to power their platforms and most of the technologies we use today. Google, Facebook, and almost every other platform we use to interact with customers are already preparing for a big uptick in marketing AI tool integration. It will be a personal decision to enter a new era powered by AI.

Here’s a list of the best AI tools for marketers:

Platforms for CRM:

It's likely that the CRM and automation platform you're using has AI-powered capabilities built-in or the ability to integrate AI-powered products natively.

Make a call to your representative to inquire about turning those features on. Some may demand an updated package, but if you don't inquire, you'll never know.


Many businesses use chatbots as customer support and sales tools on their websites. However, just because it's called a "bot" doesn't mean it's based on artificial intelligence.

Marketers must perform the majority of the hard lifting with chatbots that don't use AI, which may be very overwhelming. Instead, seek chatbots that have artificial intelligence built-in and can think through all of your branching rules for you. This entails inquiring about how vendors are employing AI and machine intelligence.


Yext gets five stars for keeping track of online reviews.

A company that manages digital knowledge Yext sifts through massive amounts of data (such as consumer reviews written on Facebook, Google, Yelp, and other sites), deciphers what's being said, and prioritizes what you should respond to.

In this manner, you can keep track of, analyze, and reply to consumer reviews to manage your online reputation.

Every email you send is an opportunity to engage your readers in a one-on-one dialogue. A marketer's ambition is to send tailored emails to millions of contacts.

With personalized, automated mailings, is making that fantasy a reality. The technology uses AI to track which content you engage with the most, and then changes which stories are included in your next email.

When you combine it with send-time optimization, you've given your clients exactly what they want.


Phrasee is yet another AI-powered language product that social media marketers should be aware of.

This program improves email subject lines to increase open rates, click rates, and conversions for brands.

Apply that knowledge to your social media initiatives, and you'll see an increase in engagement and conversions on Facebook and Instagram in no time.


The greatest method to engage with followers on social media is to build genuine relationships. This can be difficult to do online. Persado is the name of the character. This marketing language tool employs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to generate language that is most appealing to any particular audience, sector, or individual.

It analyses historical campaign reactions to generate emotional profiles for each customer segment. It can then tailor material to your target demographic while incorporating your brand's distinct voice.


Spending on social media ads shouldn't be a guessing game. Pattern89 is a marketing platform that uses machine learning to improve your Facebook, Instagram, and Google ad bids, budgets, and channel management at scale.

Consider this tool to be your personal social media helper. It gives spending and creative suggestions to help you cut costs and boost revenue.

Acquisio Turing:

This is a machine-learning-powered PPC bid and budget management program. The PPC reporting tool is quite useful, allowing customers to create amazing reports with only one click.

It has 30+ clever algorithms that optimize and improve clicks or conversions, as well as bid and budget management, budget allocation, and local lead estimation.

Have an idea in Mind? Speak to us today.

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