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What problems do marketing automation platforms solve?

The confluence of sky-high consumer preferences, severe global competition, and enormous amounts of user information has provided marketers with significant hurdles.

This article demonstrates how investing in a marketing automation platform may assist your company in addressing some of the most important and difficult issues that your sales and marketing teams face.

Problems Marketing Automation Platforms Solve

1. Leads of poor quality:

One of the most difficult problems for the sales staff is assuring lead quality. Low-quality leads cost the sales team's time and resources in terms of lost productivity. How can you assure that your leads are prepared to answer your call while avoiding contacting people who aren't engaged in your service?

In a variety of ways, marketing automation software may assist in the elimination of low-quality leads. To begin, the corporation's most appropriate customers, i.e., people who are highly interested in your business, are chosen from the start. Automated technologies such as integrated lead collecting forms, SEO audits and planned social advertising can help you attract your most active prospective clients.

The following phase is lead nurturing. Following the conversion of these prospects into leads, automated email campaigns may keep them afloat by offering the material and resources that are most useful to them, based on their past engagement, and at the proper time.

Finally, lead scoring provides the sales representatives with a greater knowledge of these superior quality prospects based on their prior activity, allowing for more meaningful interactions with them when it comes time to contact them.

2. High customer turnover:

It costs significantly more to acquire a new client than it does to maintain an established one, thus it makes complete sense for any firm to spend in maintaining current clients.

A marketing automation platform may assist a company in retaining clients in the same manner that it can assist in acquiring and nurturing quality prospects. Marketing automation, at its core, is a method of sustaining rapport with new or present consumers by giving them the appropriate content at the appropriate time, depending on what you know about them. It enables marketing departments to drive clients through the sales funnel at their own pace by giving them relevant material at the correct moment. Continue to provide them content that they enjoy, and they will be more inclined to come back to you for inbound marketing or guidance.

Marketing automation also allows you to create tailored trigger emails that may be delivered to certain clients once they perform a specific activity.

3. Keeping your brand's visibility constant:

Visitors will access your website through various platforms and connect with your company through several routes.

You want your customers to perceive the same corporate image no matter where they engage with you, which is especially crucial if your company operates in many countries.

Marketing automation allows you to manage your corporate image by letting marketing teams remotely oversee their brand images, produce authorized designs, and deploy them to other members of the organization to ensure consistency.

4. Determining ROI can be challenging

A marketing automation technology allows a data-driven methodology to campaign planning and measurement, enabling the marketing department to analyze the effects of individual activities and illustrate to the C-suite which is directly related to sales.

This method allows marketers to make more educated decisions in accordance with the organizational vision. It also permits them to be more aggressive with their own long-term objectives since they are more assured in their ability to achieve them. Reporting features guarantee that everyone in the firm is up to speed on the success of their most recent efforts.

5. Isolated Customer Data

Although the sales and marketing teams share a common objective – increasing business revenue – their access to different types of data on their clients may lead to differing perspectives on what activities are best for achieving this objective.

By pulling together the data that each of these teams possesses, marketing automation software calls for increased synchronization between them. This helps them to share their experience and truly comprehend what each other is doing in order to provide the greatest possible customer service.

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